Honey I Burned The Chicken!

easter time is always a fun time of year. if you like to cook or bake chances are that you have burned something badly before. all it takes is a few minutes of distraction. A phone call from an old friend or a bathroom run that lasts too long. by the time the smelly burt smoke hits your nose the meal is ruined and all the alarm bells in the house and in your head are ringing loud. Fortunately for you there is no fire, just a lot of smoke billowing through the house like a rock and roll concert. the lead singer is the smoke alarm and he is doing a solo to remember, a true ear ringer. After all the doors and windows are open the smoke is gone and the concert is over but the smell is not. it’s in your clothes, your hair, your couch, your carpet and everything reeks of acrid stinky burnt chicken. You search odor removal in google and find biosweep sacramento is number 1!